Anger Is Your Anchor

Yes. It seems obvious, doesn't it?

But sometimes obvious is too obvious, and we miss what is right in front of us...or around our necks. Think about it: if there was an anchor, chained around your neck, it would be difficult to see, wouldn't it? Sure, you could look down your nose, cross your eyes, and catch a glimpse. (Or, maybe you could stand on your head, and let the anchor hang down in front of your face, although that may be difficult,  as many anchors are very heavy and it would be quite painful.)

But the only practical way to see it? That's right: look in the mirror. And you will see your anchor.

Angry? If you are, good. (If not, repeat viewing yourself in a mirror until you become sufficiently angry). Now, and only now, are you ready to take the first step on the road to one-osity TM.